The job has been a tremendous blessing and I am starting to reap the benefits of the hard work, but it can also be overwhelming at times and difficult to wade between work, home life, and ministry. We are currently seeking that balance. We are definitely encouraged by it though, and positive it was the fulfillment of prayer and God's provision for our ministry. Other Christians in the company confirmed that I was the first person ever hired from walking in and dropping off a resume. God sure can open a door!
Here is where we are at now. I have been talking with Moody about the internship again and trying to get it sorted out. We need to submit a more detailed description of the internship duties but it sounds like we have a green light, so praise the Lord! I also did some research and will be able to CLEP out of psychology so I do not have to take it again. Very grateful for that. Just finding the time and discipline to study is the prayer need. Finally, there is a former director of a youth ministry that started coming to our church about six months ago and he is excited to come along side us and has some good ideas for getting an airplane and attracting youth to the ministry. We are excited to see what God has in store... STAY TUNED!
P.S We forgot to add that we need direction in where Daniel can finish Certified Flight Instructor. Daniel did not have peace about the place he began for a variety of reasons. We are needing to get this accomplished before Summer 2014!