Paraclete Aviation is ...!
Looking for an Airplanewe are currently in prayer and search mode for a good trainer airplane.
Typically, a Cessna 172 or Cherokee Warrior are the two most common types of trainers for new pilots. A well-equipped one will cost approximately $35,000-$75,000 dependent on upgrades. |
Giving Free Intro Lessons
One way that we enjoy giving back to this community is through low cost flight introduction. This is why we have strategically partnered with donors to offer students free introductory flights for up to 1 hour. That's over a $100 value in today's aviation market. Keep an eye out for our business cards around town and give your teenager the free gift of flight!
Seeking Partners
We appreciate your Tax-deductible donations. Two current areas to donate to are 1) the airplane fund and 2) a scholarship fund for underprivileged youth to fly and receive discipleship. Please specify on the PayPal form.
You can also mail checks directly to the address listed at the bottom of the page and we will send a receipt. This eliminates us paying PayPal fees! |
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Daniel Dietz
Daniel Dietz
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